The Complete Guide to Cannabis Edibles: What are they, How they work, and choosing what’s right for you

Cannabis can be consumed through many different methods, and edibles are one of the most popular. But what's the difference between brownies, drinks and gummies? 

Let's explore them! 

There are many different types of edibles including baked goods, beverages, chocolate, candy, oils and tinctures. Depending on the type of edible you consume, it will take different amounts of time to kick in. The effects of a low-dose edible can last up to 4 hours while a quick-acting edible can last up to 2 hours.

How do edibles work

When you eat cannabis, it takes longer for the effects to kick in. The stomach and digestive system have to break down the cannabinoids before they can enter your bloodstream and make their way to your brain. 

Eating cannabis takes longer to feel the effects when compared to smoking or drinking. This means that eating cannabis edibles typically takes 30-90 minutes before you feel any effects, while smoking or drinking will happen much faster, usually within 10-30 minutes.

To maximize your cannabis experience, try eating edibles. They can last much longer than smoking and may come in handy for those who enjoy cannabis throughout the day.

Factors that affect edibles

The type of edible and the person consuming it can have a big impact on how long it takes for edibles to kick in. 

Some people may experience the effects of cannabis within minutes, while others may take up to two hours before feeling anything. This is because some people have a higher metabolism than others and their bodies react differently to cannabinoids. 

One final thing to keep in mind when considering the onset of edibles is tolerance. This number changes with the frequency of consumption, as well as your body weight.

The amount of cannabis in an edible and the tolerance level of the person consuming it will also affect when they feel its effects. For example, someone who weighs less than 160 pounds and eats a 5 mg THC brownie will likely feel its effects sooner than someone who weighs more than 160 pounds and eats a 5 mg THC brownie.

How long do edible effects last?

One thing you should know before you start eating edibles or drinking cannabis beverages is that everyone experiences them differently. 

You’ll typically feel the effects much more gradually than if you were smoking or vaping it. This means it may take longer to feel any effects and they will generally be more intense.

Edibles have a range of effects lasting anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the type of edible and your body. The effects will depend on how much THC is in the edible. 

Dosing is important because the right amount of cannabis-infused food should be eaten to get the desired effect. It's easy for beginners to overdo it when there is a tendency to eat more than necessary.

Full-spectrum edibles vs. Distillate or Isolate

Full-spectrum edibles are created with the entourage effect in mind. They include all the naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in the cannabis plant. These compounds have been found to work synergistically to provide a range of effects. 

Distillate is created by stripping everything but the THC or CBD from the cannabis plant, then adding in additional cannabinoids, flavinoids or terpenes to make a concentrate that can be consumed in a variety of ways.

The benefit of distillate is that it only has THC or CBD if the brand chooses to include it. This makes it easier for people who are not able to consume THC due to its psychoactive effects or those who don’t respond well to certain cannabinoids.

It’s important to know what you’re consuming!

Cannabis edibles are a tasty alternative to smoking weed. When it comes to the duration of effects, edibles can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours to start working.

There are many different types of cannabis products on the market, so it’s important to know which type you are consuming. Purple Tree Cannabis provides a wide selection of products, including edibles and drinks that can suit any occasion — whether you’re taking the dog for a walk, browsing shops in Roncesvalles or having an afternoon picnic in High Park!

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